Friday, March 31, 2023

Gematria how to use


gematria is an ancient practice of assigning numerical values to words, names and phrases. Gematria can be used to discover hidden or spiritual meaning in the text of the Hebrew Bible, as well as Jewish mystical texts. Gematria can also be used for divination, discovering numbers in everyday life, dream interpretation and more.

To use gematria, start by understanding the relationships between letters and numbers using their assigned values. For example, in Hebrew gematria each letter has a numerical value that is different from its alphabetic value—in other words, it is not only the number associated with a particular letter but also its symbol associated with a number. With this understanding established, use the numerical values for letters to turn Hebrew text into numerical codes—this can be done either manually or by using an online calculator.

The exact method for interpreting gematria varies between traditions and schools of thought. Some approaches compare similar sounding words or phrases that have similar numerical relationships; others look for intersecting lines between words or numbers; and some focus on interpreting larger patterns that appear when the numbers are connected. These interpretations could involve finding hidden or secret symbols, uncovering deeper spiritual meanings and seeing connections between various aspects of everyday life.

In addition to Hebrew gematria, there are numerous other systems of gematria used around the world like Greek gematria, Latin gematria, Sanskrit gematria and Chinese fu xi suan shu (數宮). All these systems can be used for a variety reasons like unlocking secrets in sacred texts but also for more practical matters like making predictions about future events or deciphering dreams.

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